Version 2.3.6
- Fixes problems calculating the length of DSF files.
- Fixes problems removing tracks from playlists on iPods.
- Avoids upgrading ID3 tag version if not required.
- Improvements to file tag writing.
Version 2.3.5
- Adds an option to turn off the greying out of disabled tracks.
- Improves timeout issues when bulk downloading podcast episodes.
- Fixes glitches in the track table when editing tags in the table.
- Fixes reading of length of some m4a files on older macOS versions.
- Fixes compatability with recent versions of macFuse.
- Fixes a crash when copying some high sample rate files to iPods.
- Fixes a crash when dragging browser rows on macOS 10.12 and earlier.
- Various other minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 2.3.4
- Fixes UI glitches when switching between viewing podcasts and the library.
Version 2.3.3
- Fixes a potential crash when changing the art grid sorting options.
- Fixes visual glitches when editing track ratings in the track table.
- Fixes a potential crash when dragging rows from the browser columns.
- Fixes a potential crash when importing files.
- Fixes issues with the Audio Devices menu getting out of sync.
- Fixes several minor UI glitches on Big Sur.
- Fixes problems setting podcast advanced download options.
- Fixes issues when copy and pasting rows from the track table into spread sheets.
- Improves saving playlist files containing tracks where the music files have been moved.
- Allows sorting by the enabled column in the track table.
Version 2.3.2
- Improves reading of the Encoder field in some m4a files.
- Fixes issues loading user created desktop widget themes.
- Improves setting device sample rate and bit depth on some audio devices.
- Fixes several minor UI issues.
- Stability improvements.
Version 2.3.1
- Fixes issues with VoiceOver in the track table.
- Fixes problems editing tags inline in the track table.
Version 2.3.0
- Adds the ability to automatically import the Music app library on Catalina every time Swinsian is opened.
- Add the ability to show Copyright as a column in the track table.
- Improves responsiveness when scrolling the track table.
- Improvements to watched folders when moving files from one watched folder to another.
- Improves responsiveness when scrolling the track table and art grid.
- Improves responsiveness when resizing the art grid.
- Uses the current ID3v2 version when updating tags in an MP3 file instead of always upgrading to ID3v2.4.
- Fixes issues when dragging tracks to the Finder on Catalina.
- Fixes reading of BPM tags from some files.
- Fixes gapless playback issues with some audio devices.
- Fixes issues copying transcoded tracks to iPods.
- Fixes problems with duplicate detection when copying tracks to iPods.
- Fixes playback of some Flac files.
- Various minor UI fixes.
Version 2.2.4
- Improves scrolling performance in the main track table.
- Fixes problems dragging tracks from iPods on Mojave and later.
- Fixes issue that could cause watched folder changes to be missed.
- Fixes bugs with selections when the art grid is in grouped mode.
- Improve responsiveness when working with files on network volumes.
- Various minor UI fixes.
Version 2.2.3
- Fixes issues importing nested playlist folders when importing Music app libraries on Catalina.
- Fixes glitches drawing dividing lines in the track table.
- Fixes issues when dragging multiple playlists to an iPod.
- Avoids importing some types of movie and TV playlists when importing an iTunes library.
Version 2.2.2
- Fixes importing of iTunes style grouping field in ID3 tags.
- Fixes a crash when using the lyrics popover on Catalina.
Version 2.2.1
- Fixes crashes when using the keyboard media keys on Catalina.
- Fixes a potential crash when editing lyrics.
Version 2.2.0
- Adds support for importing the library on Catalina.
- Fixes issues with iOS device mounting on Mojave.
- Fixes a potential crash when using the lyrics popover.
- Fixes a potential crash when dragging items in the art grid.
- Fixes issues importing some ogg files.
Version 2.1.15
- Fixes a crash on OS X 10.7.
- Fixes issues with full screen mode on Mojave.
- Fixes sandboxing issues with the quick controller.
Version 2.1.14
- Fixes a crash on macOS 10.10.
- Fixes graphical glitches in the track table on Mojave.
- Adds a stop command to the control menu.
Version 2.1.13
- Adds support for 20 bit flac files.
- Fixes sorting issues when queueing tracks from the browser.
- Fixes issues playing cue APE albums.
- Fixes potential hangs when the library contains tracks on disconnected network volumes.
- Notarizes app for compatibility with future versions of macOS.
Version 2.1.12
- Fixes an AirTunes issue when playing on some older Airport Express devices.
- Fixes a bug causing high CPU use when podcast episodes failed to download.
- Fixes bugs related to browser column selection not being preserved.
- Fixes an bug which meant closing the browser didn't clear browser filters.
Version 2.1.11
- Fixes the background of desktop art window being grey on Mojave.
- Fixes crash when sending audio to some older airport devices.
Version 2.1.10
- Fixes issue that prevented Swinsian running on macOS 10.10.
- Fixes code signing issues.
Version 2.1.9
- Fixes AirPlay support with Airport Express devices running the latest firmware.
- Fixes some downloaded podcasts having incorrect length.
- Fixes track ordering bug when using album shuffle mode.
- Fixes bugs with the AirTunes toolbar button.
- Fixes issues importing some cue albums.
- Fixes issues mounting iPods on newer versions of macOS.
- Fixes bugs with the track menu when viewing playlists in separate windows.
- Fixes several drag and drop bugs on Mojave.
- Makes lyrics popover text larger when in large text mode.
Version 2.1.8
- Fixes a crash when using the Rescan Tags command.
Version 2.1.7
- Fixes crashes on macOS Mojave beta.
- Allows the use of the lyrics field in smart playlists.
- Improves the 'add to playlist' contextual menu.
- Improves the Rescan Tags command.
- Fixes bugs with the search options popover.
- Fixes issues with the sorting of iPod playlists.
Version 2.1.6
- Fixes issues with the option to copy newly imported tracks being ignored.
Version 2.1.5
- Adds support for showing conductor and comment in browser columns.
- Fixes sorting option of playlists in playlist folders not being saved.
- Fixes audio glitches at the end of the track when using 'Stop After Current Track' mode.
- Fixes issues changing search settings on OS X 10.9 and earlier.
- Fixes a possible crash when adding tracks to iPods from a secondary window.
- Fixes minor UI glitches.
- Stability improvements.
Version 2.1.4
- Adds the option to enable 5 browser columns.
- Fixes UI issues with the search box.
- Fixes several graphical glitches.
- Improves sorting of tracks in the quick controller.
Version 2.1.3
- Improves compatibility with iTunes when reading and writing grouping field to ID3 tags.
- Fixes issues dragging tracks from iPods.
- Fixes issues with podcast preferences.
- Fixes issues with colour of album art.
- Fixes issues with the automatic enabling and disabling tracks feature when first starting the app.
- Fixes bugs related to podcast download settings.
- Fixes possible crash when quitting.
- Reduces size of art cache thumbnails.
- Improves compatibility with Neet Airstream AirPlay devices.
- Fixes various UI glitches.
Version 2.1.2
- Adds support for reading Info tag blocks in wav files.
- Improves the grouping of tracks into albums in the track table.
- Shows album artist instead of artist in art column labels when available.
- Now recognises artwork files with the file name 'album art'.
- Improves smart playlist editing UI.
- Fixes a big where dragging m3u playlist files onto the source list would create a new empty playlist.
- Fixes issues with the 'Hide disabled tracks' option when searching tracks.
- Fixes a crash when editing some tag fields in the track table.
- Fixes issues importing some cue files.
- Fixes problems with the options to split genre and artist fields.
Version 2.1.1
- Fixes table sorting being reversed when a column is sorted descending.
Version 2.1.0
- Adds an option to automatically select the currently playing track.
- Improves the layout of the track table when the art column is enabled.
- Adds an option to disable text labels in the art column.
- Adds an option to separate multiple artists into separate rows in the browser.
- Adds the ability to customise browser column type by right clicking the top row.
- Allows customisation of genre separator character.
- Allows separating multiple artists in a single field into separate entries in the browser.
- Improves table sorting by keeping track and disc numbers in ascending order when sort column is descending.
- Improves touchbar support.
- Improves folder watching of folders on network volumes.
- Improves moved file tracking on APFS volumes.
- Improves performance when adding tracks to iPods.
- Fixes problems with the mini window when placing it on a second monitor.
- Fixes grouping of some compilation albums in the track table.
- Fixes a possible crash when using AirTunes playback.
- Fixes a possible crash when importing cuesheets.
- Various minor UI fixes.
Version 2.0.3
- Fixes drawing glitches in the track table.
- Fixes shortcuts in the quick controller.
- Improves support for scrobbling partially played tracks.
- Improves duplicate file detection when importing tracks.
- Fixes gapless playback for some m4a files.
- Fixes issues displaying art on OS X 10.7.
- Fixes a problem where Swinsian wouldn't quit after using AirTunes playback.
- Fixes issues opening the search options popover.
- Fixes a problem with selecting split genre tags in the browser.
- Fixes the search box settings not being saved for some users.
- Fixes some minor audio issues in rare circumstances.
- Fixes issues editing the publisher field in the track table.
- Fixes a crash if the Helvetia Neue font is missing.
- Fixes a crash when moving the position of the art grid.
- Fixes a possible crash when sorting the art grid.
- Fixes a crash when importing files.
Version 2.0.2
- Fixes issues with the browser and art grid being incorrectly disabled.
- Fixes a possible crash when opening the app.
Version 2.0.1
- Fixes issues generating thumbnails for some albums.
- Fixes display of art in the track inspector on older versions of OS X.
- Fixes issues displaying art for some tracks in the desktop art window.
- Fixes problems selecting some fields in the search options.
- Fixes problems dragging tracks to the Finder.
- Fixes a bug in the splitting of genre tags.
- Fixes issues with colour calibration of rendered album art.
- Improves layout of the art preview panel.
- Fixes several crashes.
Version 2.0.0
- Adds an equalizer supporting 10 or 31 bands.
- Adds support for editing tags directly in the track table.
- Adds support for EarPods inline remote.
- Adds support for AirPods gestures.
- Adds an option to always show artwork in the art column.
- Allows searching of arbitrary combinations of fields.
- Albums in the Art Grid can now be grouped.
- The Art Grid can now be position to the left of the track table.
- The Art Grid control bar can now be hidden.
- The Browser can now show up to 4 columns.
- Supports writing tags to DSF files.
- Improves AirTunes support.
- Adds a command to reset the position of the desktop art window
- Fixes minor compatibility issues with High Sierra.
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.13.3
- Fixes issues reading the length and bit rate of some MP3s.
- Adds more fields as options in smart playlist rules.
- Improves automatic audio device sample rate and bit depth setting.
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.13.2
- Improves sorting of tags with punctuation at the start.
- Allows the use of half star ratings in smart playlist rules.
- Fixes ratings not being copied to tracks on iPods.
- Fixes a crash when clicking items in the system Notification Centre.
- Fixes several Applescript bugs.
- Fixes issues writing tags to DSF files.
- Fixes a bug with repeat mode.
- Various other minor bug fixes.
Version 1.13.1
- Improves setting of sample rate and bit depth on audio devices.
- Fixes issues with track order when double clicking items in the browser.
- Fixes a possible crash when the artwork column is enabled.
- Fixes Applescript support for reading album art.
- Fixes setting track ratings on OS X 10.9 and earlier.
- Fixes Quick Controller background dimming on multi-monitor setups.
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.13.0
- Adds ability to use playlist membership as a smart playlist rule.
- Adds support for half star ratings.
- Adds support for Shorten audio files.
- Adds an option to disable display of album art images.
- Improves automatic switching of audio device sample rate and bit depth.
- Improves AirTunes playback compatibility with non-Apple devices.
- Improves sorting of compilation albums in the art grid.
- Improves sharpness of artwork column on retina displays.
- Fixes scrobbling.
- Fixes issues playing back some Flac files.
- Fixes glitches during DSF file playback.
- Fixes issue that caused tag changes to some cue albums to not be saved.
- Fixes a bug that caused the consolidate command to skip some files.
- Fixes several problems with cuefile playback.
- Fixes issues with dock animation preference setting.
- Fixes issues with the compilation flag checkbox in the track inspector.
- Minor performance improvements.
- Various minor UI improvements.
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.12.7
- Fixes playback glitches when switching between some MP3 tracks.
- Adds the ability to export smart playlists as m3u files.
- Fixes an issue that could cause clicks in the art grid to fail to select albums.
- Adds menu command to rename and reorganise files for selected tracks.
Version 1.12.6
- Fixes a crash when running on OS X 10.7.
Version 1.12.5
- Fixes issues with shuffle playing the same track twice.
- Improves saving of divider positions.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.12.4
- Improves reading of cover image files.
- Improves behaviour of track table columns when resizing windows.
- Fixes issues exporting some playlists.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.12.3
- Fixes issues dragging files directly into the playback queue.
- Fixes issues with keyboard media key support.
- Fixes a crash when using album shuffle mode.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.12.2
- Fixes crashes when modifying some playlists.
- Fixes compatibility issues with macOS Sierra.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.12.1
- Adds a 'Show in playlist' command.
- Improves reading and writing of the comment field in MP3 files.
- Adds more options for network volume watched folder scan interval.
- Adds Applescript support for the total tracks field.
- Improves performance when dragging tracks in the main table.
- Fixes problems that caused duplicate tracks when importing some cue files.
- Fixes issues with playback of cue tracks when shuffled.
- Fixes issues with watched folders not adding new tracks.
- Fixes bug that caused Swinsian to fail to quit when watched folders were being scanned.
- Fixes a bug could cause album artist to be displayed instead of artist in the main table.
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.12.0
- Adds support for Date Modified, Description, Conductor, Catalog Number, and Disc Subtitle fields.
- Adds menu commands to skip forwards and backwards within a track.
- Adds support for recent iPod Shuffles.
- Allows lyrics popover to be detached on OS X 10.10+
- Uses disc number when generating new file names for tracks in the library folder.
- Adds support for searching lyrics.
- Improves performance when searching and sorting tracks.
- Improves Applescript support.
- Improves reading of compilation flag on ogg and flac files.
- Improves fetching of artwork.
- Improves reading of cue files.
- Improves tidying up of empty folders in the library folder.
- Fixes issues queueing tracks when shuffle is enabled.
- Fixes problems when searching podcasts.
- Fixes issues sorting the playback queue.
- Fixes issues with the Watched Folders option to automatically remove tracks when the watched folder is on a network volume.
- Fixes playback glitches when switching between tracks with different numbers of channels or bit depth.
- Fixes issues reading artwork tags from some files.
- Fixes issues reading some flac files.
- Fixes issues when doing regex searches for empty strings.
- Fixes issues with smart playlists not updating when changing the enabled field on tracks.
- Fixes issues when adding rules to smart playlists that already have a large number of rules.
- Fixes issues with the table and art grid not updating when tags were edited.
- Fixes issues copying tab-separated text from the table columns.
- Fixes issues with single track repeat mode.
- Fixes issues when organising files when only the case of the tags had changed.
- Fixes issues with OS X gatekeeper.
- Fixes various minor UI glitches.
- Stability improvements.
- Mac OS X 10.6 is no longer supported.
Version 1.11.8
- Adds a command to trigger rescanning of watched folders.
- Adds the ability to show time and size totals for selected tracks in the status bar.
- Adds support for importing ALAC and AAC files with mp4 file extensions.
- Improves AirPlay support for AppleTVs.
- Fixes glitches between tracks when using built in AirPlay support.
- Improves artwork fetching.
- Sorting podcasts table now only sorts subscriptions not episodes.
- Fixes issues displaying artwork in the inspector for some tracks.
- Fixes crashes when trying to fetch artwork on OS X 10.6.
- Fixes an issue that would sometimes prevent Swinsian from quitting.
- Fixes support for Growl notifications for people who have the Growl app installed.
- Stability improvements.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.11.7
- Improves support for dragging tracks into other applications without copying the files.
- Fixes a possible crash when using the Complete Tags command.
- Fixes a possible crash when playing Flac files.
- Fixes a MITM vulnerability when showing the changelog for updates by always using https (see
Version 1.11.6
- Large text mode now increases the size of text in the inspector.
- Improves reading of publisher tag from AAC and ALAC files.
- Improves stability when loading artwork images.
- Adds better support for media keys on third party keyboards.
- Fixes problem saving quick controller shortcut.
- Improves audio device sample rate changing.
- Fixes issues when locating missing tracks.
- Includes various minor UI fixes and improvements.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.11.5
- Stability improvements.
- Improves iTunes library importing.
- Improves audio device sample rate changing.
- Improves cuesheet importing.
- Adds combined track number and total track number column.
- Adds combined disc number and total disc number column.
- Improves error reporting.
- Improves podcast URL handling.
- Various UI bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.11.4
- Stability improvements.
- Fixes issues importing cue sheets when the copy files option is enabled.
- Improves the sorting of text fields containing numbers.
Version 1.11.3
- Fixes problem importing some FLAC files.
- Fixes several issues with library folder organising.
- Fixes lockups when editing large numbers of tracks at once.
- Stability improvements.
- Various minor UI improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.11.2
- Fixes issues with artwork in the desktop window.
- Fixes problems turning on automatic art fetching.
- Fixes crash when finding dead tracks.
- Fixes crashes on OS X 10.6.
Version 1.11.1
- Fixes issues with dead track removal and duplicate finding.
Version 1.11.0
- Adds the ability to keep the library folder organised.
- Adds the ability to automatically rescan tags on changed tracks in watched folders.
- Automatic device sample rate changing now changes bit depth as well.
- Adds an option to disable writing ratings tags.
- Improves live updating of smart playlists.
- Improves importing of iTunes libraries.
- Now asks for confirmation before editing large numbers of tags at once.
- Fixes audio glitches when playing some types of files.
- Fixes issues with watched folders on network volumes.
- Fixes issues with art grid not updating when compilation flags are changed on tracks.
- Fixes several AirTunes playback issues.
- Fixes applescript volume control.
- Fixes a bug that could prevent changed lyrics from being saved.
- Adds better error reporting when files can't be found.
- Improves reporting of errors when moving or copying files.
- Fixes status bar font rendering issue on secondary retina monitors.
- Fixes a bug that meant initial watch folder import would use the general file copying options instead of the folder specific ones.
- Fixes a bug that meant some new tracks in watched folders might be missed if the app was quit.
- Fixes a bug that prevented quitting.
- Stability improvements.
- Various UI improvements.
Version 1.10.15
- Adds an option to float the mini window.
- Now shows artwork in OS X user notifications.
- Adds the ability to sort the art grid by album artist.
- Fixes several possible crashes.
- Fixes several UI glitches.
- Fixes playback issues with very short files.
- Fixes tag reading issue with some ogg files.
- Fixes issues with smart playlists on iPods.
- Fixes sorting of non-western text when a system sort order has been specified.
- Fixes issues with regex find and replace not matching empty tags.
- Fixes issues with sample rate changing of some audio devices.
- Fixes issues when double clicking disabled tracks in shuffle mode.
Version 1.10.14
- Fixes reading of ratings when rescanning tags.
- Fixes a UI glitch that could obscure the table headers.
Version 1.10.13
- Fixes several playback glitches and track change issues.
- Adds a 'Total Discs' column to the track table.
- Fixes a problem reading total disc field from Flac and Ogg files.
- Improves importing of some cue files.
Version 1.10.12
- Fixes audio glitches playing back some files.
- Fixes an issue that could cause Swinsian to fail to quit.
- Improves folder watching.
- Improves iTunes library importing.
- Improves reading of tags from some mp4 files.
- Fixes issues with duplicate detection when importing some files.
- Adds support for bit depth rules in smart playlists.
- Fixes issues reading artwork from APE files.
- Fixes issues writing and reading art from some mp4 files.
- Uses COMMENT field in preference to DESCRIPTION when reading and writing comment tags to files with vorbis tags.
- Fixes issues with Find and Replace.
- Now removes case and accents when writing sort fields to iPods.
- Writes disc number tags to iPods tracks.
- Fixes several crashes.
Version 1.10.11
- Fixes a crash when the folder for a watched folder is deleted.
Version 1.10.10
- Adds support for MusePack files.
- Fixes an issue that caused some very short tracks to be skipped.
- Fixes issues when importing some iTunes smart playlists.
- Fixes several crashes.
- Fixes a UI glitch when viewing the playback queue.
- Adds support for disctotal tag in flac and ogg files.
Version 1.10.9
- Fixes possible crashes on 10.6 when sorting albums.
- Fixes a crash when using the duplicate finder.
- Fixes issues importing some iTunes smart playlists.
- Fixes issues with some tracks being scrobbled twice.
- When set to copy new tracks Swinsian will now copy the target of symlinks instead of the link.
- Adds the ability to sort the art grid by composer.
- Prevents computers entering full sleep while music is playing.
- Improves autocompletion of genre tags.
- Fixes several bugs when using regex during Find and Replace operations.
Version 1.10.8
- Fixes a search speed regression on Yosemite.
- Fixes issues with duplicates when importing cue files.
- Fixes a crash when playing some files on OS X 10.7 and earlier.
- Fixes lockups when network volumes are disconnected during playback.
- Improves reading of album art images from cover files.
- Improves performance when viewing the art grid or sorting the table by album.
- Adds compilation field to smart playlists.
- Adds Applescript support for the Grouping tag.
- Fixes some issues with first gen. Airport Expresses.
- Fixes year tag not being saved in tag fetcher.
- Fixes a crash when viewing the contents of iPods.
- Includes updated version of libFLAC.
Version 1.10.7
- Fixes a crash when using regex search on Yosemite.
- Fixes some drawing glitches on Yosemite.
- Improves reading of album art images from cover files.
- Makes it easier to clear tags from multiple tracks at once.
Version 1.10.6
- Fixes compatibility issues on 10.6 and 10.7.
Version 1.10.5
- Fixes a crash on OS X Yosemite.
Version 1.10.4
- Fixes several crashes.
- Adds support for importing iTunes Smart Playlists.
- Adds the ability to set global shortcuts for volume control.
- Adds the ability to sort the top level of playlists.
- Improves the 'Jump to Current Track' command.
- Improves folder watching when watching entire volumes.
- Improves album sorting (now uses Year as secondary field).
- Improves sorting of tracks to use artist as a secondary sort field when appropriate.
- Allows dragging playlists onto the playback queue.
- Fixes an issue with autocomplete in tag text fields.
- Includes Yosemite compatibility fixes.
- Fixes issues with the initial volume of AirTunes devices.
Version 1.10.3
- Fixes crashes when using the Mini Window.
- Adds year, bitrate and file type parameters to desktop widget theme api.
- Fixes issues where the progress bar could get out of sync at the beginning of tracks.
- Fixes a problem that could cause Swinsian to fail to quit.
- Fixes a potential crash when downloading artwork.
- Fixes crashes when attaching iOS devices.
Version 1.10.2
- Fixes playback issues with some APE and WavPack files.
Version 1.10.1
- Fixes several crashes when running on OS X 10.7.
- Fixed a possible crash when using the Mini Window.
- Improves saving of source list collapsed state across relaunches.
Version 1.10.0
- Appearance improvements on Yosemite.
- Yosemite compatibility fixes.
- New icon.
- Adds the ability to hide the status bar.
- Adds a command to stop after current track.
- Adds the ability to remove tracks when removing watched folders.
- Adding a new watched folder now automatically imports the contents.
- Adds the ability to search for other moved files when manually locating a file.
- Now warns when revealing a large number of tracks in the Finder.
- Fixes several crashes.
- Fixes issues playing back some cue file based albums.
- Fixes possible lockups when removing tracks.
- Fixes issues with keyboard control of buttons.
- Fixes an issues with smart playlist windows not updating.
- Fixes UI glitches in the quick controller.
- Improves importing of Flac files with embedded cue sheets.
- Improves reading of Comment tags in MP3 files.
- Improves searching for album art image files.
- Now ignores empty playlist files when importing folders of files.
Version 1.9.5
- Stability improvements.
- Support for DSF files (experimental).
- Fixes an issue with gapless playback.
- Adds support for opening the Playlist Queue in a separate window.
- Applescript improvements.
- Fixes several minor UI glitches.
- Fixes issues with numbering in playlists containing duplicates.
- Fixes issues with Apple Remotes.
- Fixes issues with playback of some mono files.
Version 1.9.4
- Fixes several potential causes of crashes.
- Adds additional contextual menu shortcuts for working with playlists.
- Adds the option to hide disabled tracks.
- Improves reading of bitrates for some ALAC files.
- Improves restoration of window state.
- Improved search performance.
- Fixes sorting issues when table is grouped by album.
- No longer responds to keyboard media keys when switching to a different desktop user.
- Fixes an issue that could cause tracks to play back simultaneously.
- Fixes a bug that caused desktop artwork transitions to run during compilation albums.
- Includes various minor UI fixes.
Version 1.9.3
- Fixed a bug when writing tags to some tracks.
- Fixed a crash when transcoding tracks with high sample rates.
- Fixes issue with compilation flag when adding tracks to iPods.
- Fixes issues with the quick controller.
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 1.9.2
- Fixes a crash when playing shuffled tracks.
- Fixes a problem with saving enabled state of tracks.
- Fixes a possible crash when editing tags on tracks.
- Fixes issues with single track repeat mode.
- Adds a command to find and remove dead tracks from the library.
- Adds an option to search by File Path.
- Total size and length for selected tracks is now shown in the inspector.
- Includes various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.9.1
- Fixed a bug that caused some wav tracks to be skipped.
- Performance improvements.
- Improves reading of MP3 audio properties.
- Fixed an Applescript related bug.
- Fixed a problem mounting iOS devices.
- Adds an option to organise music folder by album artist.
- Adds support for creating new playlists by dragging files onto the source list.
- Fixes playback glitches when using the 'Play Next' command.
- Fixes issues reading iTunes artwork on OS X 10.6.
- Fixes a memory leak.
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.9.0
- Adds support for BPM, total tracks and publisher tags.
- Gapless playback mode is now enabled by default for files of the same type.
- Adds the ability to hide fields in the inspector.
- Improves the reading of audio properties on some MP3 files.
- Adds publisher, year and grouping as options in the browser.
- Fixes issues with the text colour in the art grid on OS X 10.6.
- Fixes problems with the find and replace window.
- Stability improvements when running on OS X 10.6.
- Fixes possible crashes when connecting iPods or iOS devices.
- Fixes a possible crash when playback switches tracks.
- Fixes several memory leaks.
- Many other minor bug fixes.
Version 1.8.11
- Improves gapless playback of some MP3 files.
- Fixes possible crashes when ejecting or connecting some iPods or iOS devices.
- Fixes issues creating smart playlists using the play count field.
- Adds a contextual menu command to show entire albums.
- Improves iTunes library importing.
- Improvements to Applescript support.
- Adds the ability to change the art grid background colour.
Version 1.8.10
- Improves reading of artwork from Ogg and Opus files.
- Fixes a crash when iOS devices were plugged in while Swinsian is running.
Version 1.8.9
- Adds support for Opus files.
- Fixes a drawing bug with the album art column on Mavericks.
- Fixes issues reading grouping tags for some file formats.
- Improves reading of compilation flag from some MP3 files.
- Fixes possible playback glitches when changing ratings on currently playing track.
- Fixes a bug that could cause podcast items to be downloaded more than once.
- Includes several stability improvements.
- Improves cue file importing.
- Improves Applescript support.
- Includes various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.8.8
- Fixes problems reading tags on some FLAC files.
- Fixes playback issue on Mavericks.
- Stability improvements.
- Adds Artist/Album Artist column to the browser.
- Adds reveal in finder menu to duplicate finder window.
- Includes various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.8.7
- Adds the ability to limit find and replace operations to selected tracks.
- Adds the ability to hide the playlist track number column.
- Art grid image can now be made larger.
- Several minor performance improvements.
- Fixes a memory leak.
- Fixes crashes when importing some FLAC files.
- Fixes a crash when disconnecting audio devices.
- Fixes several issues related to keyboard control.
- Fixes issues with playlist list scrolling when new playlists were added.
Version 1.8.6
- Stability improvements.
- Fixes several bugs related to deleting playlists.
- Fixes an issue with desktop art animations running when art didn't change.
- Selecting playlist folders now shows the contents of all contained playlists.
- Fixes issues calculating the length of some MP3 files.
- Improvements to iTunes library importing.
- Includes several minor UI fixes.
Version 1.8.5
- Fixes crashes when undoing find and replace operations.
- Fixes problems undoing tag changes in playlist windows.
- Fixes a bug in the browser when selecting the 'Compilations' item along with other items.
- Now regenerates artwork thumbnails when cover images in watched folders are modified.
- Fixes an issue that caused old folder.jpg images not to be removed when setting new artwork for tracks.
- Fixes issues with art panel flickering.
- Fixes problems when pasting into find and replace text fields.
- Fixes issues with the crash reporter.
Version 1.8.4
- Fixes playback issues on Mavericks.
- Fixes issues when pasting into the find and replace text fields.
- Browser settings can be changed per window.
- Fixed a bug with the play now command in the browser contextual menu.
Version 1.8.3
- Adds the option to only show a single browser column.
- Now remembers browser split positions across launches.
- Fixes issues updating the UI after writing new artwork to tracks.
- Fixes issues with the keyboard when using the quick controller.
- Adds an option to disable grouping in search results in the quick controller.
- Fixes a possible crash when reading file lyrics.
- Fixes issues with desktop album art display.
- Adds the option to show the current track as the window title.
- Fixes possible crash when sorting by file name.
- Fixes problems getting the frontmost window with Applescript.
- Adds an option to keep the album artwork window visible when inactive.
Version 1.8.2
- Fixes a problem importing new tracks that could cause crashes.
Version 1.8.1
- Fixes issues with gapless playback of Apple Lossless files.
- Improves grouping of tracks in the album art columns.
- Fixes possible crashes when connecting iPods or iOS devices on OS X 10.6.
- Fixes issues with keyboard navigation of UI.
- Includes improvements to desktop art display.
- Fixes several bugs when viewing playback queue.
- Now supports OSXFuse.
- Fixes several possible crashes related to corrupted playlist files.
- Fixes issues with saving of edited lyrics.
Version 1.8.0
- Support for opening playlists in separate windows.
- Adds command to duplicate playlists.
- Adds support for the Grouping tag.
- Adds support for ape albums with cue files.
- Stability improvements when playing damaged files.
- Fixes a memory leak when importing files.
- Fixes an issue that could cause the importer to get stuck on some files.
- Fixes several bugs related to removing tracks from the library.
- Improves type-to-select in main table.
- Now displays order number in the first column in playlists.
- Now tries to fetch downloaded artwork from iTunes DB when possible.
- Adds support for Control+1-5 shortcuts to set ratings on tracks in table.
- Adds a contextual menu item to create playlists directly in playlist folders.
- Adds support for magnify gesture to resize art grid.
- Fixes issues importing files directly into playlists inside playlist folders.
- Fixes issues when dragging files onto sorted playlists.
- Includes minor performance improvements when searching.
Version 1.7.8
- Fixes crash when using type-to-select.
- Fixes a potential crash when using
- Fixes possible crash when removing podcast subscriptions and files.
- Fixes a potential crash when removing tracks from the library.
- Fixes issues with inspector fields not getting updated after tracks were modified using Applescript.
- Fixes issue that caused problems using the art grid when the main table is set to group tracks by album.
- Find and Replace input fields now use single line mode.
- Fixes issues where quitting would take a long time if a network watched folder was being scanned.
- Performance improvements related to Folder Watching.
- Now allows Control key in global shortcuts.
- Fixes issues related to playback of MP3 albums with cuesheets.
- Fixes several bugs related to podcasts.
- Fixes various minor bugs.
Version 1.7.7
- Fixes a potential crash when removing tracks from the library.
Version 1.7.6
- Improves gapless playback for AAC files that don't contain information about the size of silent padding.
- Adds the ability to change tracks ratings from the Inspector.
- When dragging files into a playlist they can now be inserted at a specific position.
- When dragging the file for a track already in the library onto a playlist the existing track is now added to the playlist.
- Adds a shortcut (⌘+option+shift+delete) to delete tracks from the library when viewing a playlist.
- Adds commands to move to next/previous track.
- Now ignores leading 'The' when sorting by track title or album artist.
- Now ignores leading punctuation when sorting by track titles or artist.
- Adds the ability to get the current selection using Applescript.
- Improves Applescript performance.
- Fixes several bugs related to Applescript.
- Adds support for Windows style relative paths in M3U playlist files.
- Improved duplicate detection when importing tracks.
- Fixes several issues related to folder watching.
- Find and Replace settings are now remembered.
Version 1.7.5
- Fixes a crash when using shuffle on OS X 10.6.
Version 1.7.4
- Support for music games files using GME.
- Allows nested playlist folders.
- Improves storing of custom playlist ordering.
- Adds an option to keep main table grouped by album.
- Adds an option to disable tag autocompletion.
- Tag autocomplete shows most common existing tags first.
- Improves performance when using the art grid.
- Makes seeking more responsive.
- Fixes problems with smart playlist rules using the comment field.
- Fixes issues removing tracks from playlists.
- Improves writing of ratings tags to files.
- Fixes art grid problems related to tracks with no album tags.
- Enabled column is now sortable.
- Copying tracks now adds track information to the clipboard.
- Fixes issues dragging tracks to other applications.
- Album art view can now handle directly dragged images.
- Improvements to shortcut recording.
- Fixes issues with some keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixes issues with automatic sample rate changing.
- Fixes occasional glitches with AirTunes playback.
- Stability improvements.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 1.7.3
- Improves reading of ratings tags.
- Fixes a crash when using the preferences panel on 10.6.
Version 1.7.2
- Fixes a potential crash when importing tracks.
- Fixes bug that could cause tracks to be scrobbled twice to
- Fixes issues when importing the same iTunes library more than once.
- Adds an option to rescan an iTunes library at every launch.
- Deleting tracks now moves the files to the trash rather than immediate deletion.
Version 1.7.1
- Fixes crash at startup on 10.6.
Version 1.7.0
- Adds a new album art grid view.
- The source list is now collapsible.
- Playback queue contents are now remembered across app restarts.
- Includes many performance improvements.
- Improves iTunes library importing.
- Improves AirTunes playback.
- Improves gapless playback.
- Fixes several memory leaks.
- Many other bug fixes and improvements.
- Drops support for 32bit machines.
Version 1.6.3
- Fixes issues saving gapless status of tracks between app launches.
- Fixes a possible crash when playing broken files.
Version 1.6.2
- Adds the option to recognise multiple genre tags divided by commas.
- Fixes issues with the browser not rebuilding after editing tags.
- Fixes problems editing smart playlists.
- Fixes several issues with playlist folders.
- The browser is now more responsive.
- Fixes a possible crash when copying tracks from devices.
- Improves launch time when library contains large playlists.
Version 1.6.1
- Fixes a crash on OS X 10.6 when using the Quick Controller.
- Fixes a crash when writing empty comment tags to files.
- Fixes a bug related to reading the bit depth of files.
- Fixes a glitch with the browser when changing viewed playlist.
- Adds an option to disable Mist notifications.
Version 1.6.0
- Improves launch times.
- Reduces idle memory use.
- Significantly lowers memory use when importing files.
- Adds compatibility with Apple Remotes.
- Includes new table columns for file name, file type and comments tags.
- Comment tags can now be edited and searched.
- Improves compatibility with embedded cue files created by Foobar2000.
- Fixes issues with automatic device sample rate changing.
- Fixes problems with desktop artwork when changing spaces.
- Desktop artwork themes can now contain control buttons.
- Adds an option to group compilations in the browser.
- Adds ability to display file names in the browser.
- Fixes rare crashes when fetching art for tracks.
- Adds an option to disable the quick controller.
- Makes additional columns available in the duplicate finder.
- Includes updated version of Growl that adds Notification Centre compatibility on OS X 10.8.
- Allow automatic GPU switching on dual-GPU computers.
- Includes various minor performance enhancements when sorting and searching.
- Fixes other minor bugs.
Version 1.5.8
- Mountain Lion compatibility fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 1.5.7
- Includes various minor bug fixes.
- Fixes problems importing some iTunes libraries.
- Adds album artist group to Quick Controller.
- Adds additional shortcuts.
- Adds contextual menu to browser.
- Stability improvements.
- Fixes a crash when adding duplicate files to iPods.
- Fixes problems importing some AIFF files.
- Improves responsiveness.
Version 1.5.6
- Improves stability on Snow Leopard.
- Fixes some memory leaks.
- Text transforms in edit menu can now be applied to entire tracks.
- Now uses Macports Fuse4X install if available.
- Includes several other minor bug fixes.
Version 1.5.5
- Fixes potential crashes when updating artwork for tracks.
- Fixes bugs when writing changed cue sheets to tracks with embedded cue sheets.
- Improves stability on Snow Leopard.
- Fixes potential crash when deleting playlists.
- Fixes various issues when changing audio devices.
- Adds menu for changing audio output device.
- Fixes several minor UI bugs.
Version 1.5.4
- Stability improvements.
- Adds contextual menu item to change track ratings.
- Fixes several minor UI bugs.
Version 1.5.3
- Stability improvements.
Version 1.5.2
New Features
- Adds columns for displaying album artwork in the main table.
- Adds the ability to complete partial tags using Musicbrainz.
- Now writes back tag changes to cue files when possible.
- Adds the ability to mark tracks as part of a compilation.
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements
- Fixes various UI bugs.
- Fixes bugs reading sample rates of some files.
- Fixes issues with duplicates of AirTunes devices showing up.
- Reduced memory use in some situations.
Version 1.5.1
- Fixes a crash when turning off Airtunes playback.
- Fixes a crash when deleting playlists.
- Fixes a bug that caused playlists folders not to be sorted correctly in the quick controller.
- Fixes a bug that caused the UI to get out of sync when playing cuesheet tracks.
Version 1.5.0
New Features
- Quick controller for searching/navigating without activating the application.
- Find and replace for tags.
- Duplicate finder.
- Regular Expressions support in the search field.
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements
- Fixes several memory leaks.
- Fixes issues adding tracks to certain iPod models.
- Reduces CPU use during FLAC playback.
- Various minor performance improvements.
- Fixes some minor UI bugs.
- Fixes a bug that caused disk numbers not to be read from FLAC files with embedded cuesheets.
- Improves reading of cuesheets with large pregaps.
- Fixes several potential crashes.
- Adds the ability to delete or move multiple playlists at once.
- Adds the ability to export playlists.
- Now recognises .m3u8 files.
- Adds album art fetch command to contextual menu.
- Adds the ability to automatically remove tracks from the library when removed from watched folders.
Version 1.4.3
- Fixes crashes when showing desktop artwork on Snow Leopard.
- Fixes possible audio glitches when changing sample rates.
- Improves cue file reading.
- Fixes possible crash when updating library or rescanning tags.
Version 1.4.2
- Fixes problems reading album art from WMA files.
- Fixes UI glitches when deleting tracks from devices.
- Fixes problem with browser tables not updating after search field is cleared.
- Improves responsiveness whilst copying tracks to devices.
- Improves startup times.
Version 1.4.1
- Adds option to disable automatic changing of device sample rate.
- Fixes several UI bugs.
- Includes performance improvements.
- Adds browser categories for file type and audio quality.
Version 1.4.0
- Adds sample rate and bit depth columns.
- Improves playback of high sample rate files.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.3.9
- Fixes glitches during gapless FLAC playback.
- Improves reliability of high bitrate FLAC playback during heavy disk load.
- Minor UI improvements.
Version 1.3.8
- Fixes issues with iOS devices not appearing after OS updates.
- Adds fullscreen support on Lion.
- Adds support for repeating playback.
- Fixes a bug when removing tracks from the play queue.
- Adds option to disable importing of m3u playlists.
- Minor UI improvements.
Version 1.3.7
- Adds the ability to show three columns in the browser.
- Adds the ability to use larger text in the main table.
- Fixes problems importing FLAC files with embedded cuesheets.
- Fixes problems with sorting tracks in the main table.
Version 1.3.6
- Fixes problems with playback of APE files.
Version 1.3.5
- Fixes bug when sorting tracks by year.
- Adds support for importing .m3u playlist files.
- Improves Airtunes support.
- Improves stability when playing wma files.
- No longer pauses Airtunes playback after fast user switching.
Version 1.3.4
- Improves AirTunes playback with older Airport Express devices.
- Fixes glitches between tracks during AirTunes playback.
- Adds an option to automatically disable tracks on unmounted disks.
- Fixes bug that caused tag fields starting with accented characters to be sorted incorrectly.
- Adds a toolbar button to activate AirTunes playback.
- Adds support for streaming with icecast.
- Fixes several minor graphical glitches.
Version 1.3.3
- Adds support for displaying artwork and current track info on the desktop.
- Fixes bug that could cause playback to inadvertently start when system audio output device changed.
- Fixes a potential crash when importing wav files.
- Reduces memory use when browsing tracks with large album art.
Version 1.3.2
- Improves AirTunes support on devices other than Airport Express.
- Improves support for Cue files: now reads 'songwriter' field.
- Adds support for a 'Year' column.
- Adds an option to not write edited tags to files.
- Fixes several minor UI bugs.
- Includes various UI improvements.
Version 1.3.1
- Fixes audio glitches when the default output device is changed during playback.
Version 1.3.0
- Adds support for WavPack (.wv) files.
- Adds support for embedded Cue info in Flac, Ogg and WavPack files.
- Adds support for Flac in Ogg container files (.oga).
- Adds support for Vorbis in Ogg files with .oga extension.
- Adds the ability to playback over audio devices other than system default.
- Improves performance when sorting/filtering/searching tracks.
- Improves Cue file reading.
- Adds support for transcoding tracks from albums ripped as single files.
- Fixes Folder Watching on read only volumes.
- Includes other minor performance improvements (should lead to faster startup times).
Version 1.2.0
- Adds support for .m4b audiobook files.
- Fixes bugs with growl notifications.
- Fixes crashes when installing updates with Sparkle on Lion.
- Fixes a bug that caused .cue files not to be imported properly.
- Adds support for playback with AirTunes to Airport Express devices (experimental ! ).
Version 1.1.1
- Improves stability.
Version 1.1.0
- Improves performance when copying tracks to iOS devices.
- Reduces CPU use during playback.
- Improves support for copying podcasts to and from devices.
- Adds warnings about duplicate tracks when adding tracks to devices.
- Adds the ability to transfer entire playlists to devices.
- Adds the ability to rearrange playlists on devices.
- Changes keyboard shortcuts in tag editing fields.
- Improves support.
- Improves stability.
- Includes many other minor UI fixes.
Version 1.0.9
- Adds autocompletion to tag editing text fields.
- Fixes a potential crash when playing WMA or APE files.
- Improves copying of album art when copying tracks to devices.
- Fixes bugs when adding tracks to older style iPods.
Version 1.0.8
- Adds the ability to transcode files when copying them to devices.
- Fixes a bug that caused crashes when connecting or ejecting devices.
- Improves support for files with more than 2 channels.
- Adds support for AC3 files.
- Fixes a bug that caused some tracks to not be copied to devices.
- Includes various UI fixes.
- Improves album shuffling.
- Fixes a potential crash when downloading podcast episodes.
- Fixes a potential crash when deleting playlists inside playlist folders.
Version 1.0.7
- Improves stability.
- Displays album art at largest possible size for images that contain DPI information.
- Fixes a bug that caused podcasts to sometimes not download.
- Includes various minor bug fixes.
- Includes various minor UI improvements.
Version 1.0.6
- Fixes issues with ratings imported from iTunes.
- Adds support for playlist folders.
- Fixes problems when reading bitrates of ALAC files.
- Includes various UI changes and fixes.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.0.5
- Adds support for Fuse4X as an alternative to MacFUSE for iOS device support.
- Fixes a potential crash when importing cue files.
- Improvements to cue file importing.
- Fixes a bug that caused device read-only and Fuse not installed alerts to always display.
- Now attempts to fetch encoder info for tracks imported from iTunes libraries.
- Now shows copyright tags.
Version 1.0.4
- Adds support for .cue files.
- Fixes a potential crash when removing tracks from the library.
- Adds an option to save all album art to a separate folder.
- Fixes a bug that prevented clearing of album art on Flac files.
- Fixes some visual glitches when devices are attached.
- Fixes minor issues with 10.7 Lion.
- Fixes a potential crash when removing tracks from playlists.
Version 1.0.3
- Fixes a potential crash when importing tracks.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Search Menu to show after launch even when disabled.
Version 1.0.2
- Fixes a bug that prevented APE album art being displayed.
- Improves APE tag reading.
- UI is now more responsive when iPods/iPhones are first connected.
- Improves stability iPods/iPhones are connected.
Version 1.0.1
- Folder watching now works for network volumes.
- WMA playback is no longer dependent on flip4mac.
- Fixes a bug that caused incorrect times to be displayed during gapless FLAC playback.
- Adds support for APE files.
- Improves stability.
Version 1.0
- Initial release.